Select the My Memos icon at the bottom center from the main screen, saved memos will be displayed.

1. View by Sizes / View Favorite Memos
Select a size icon at the top, and it will show memos of the size only.
Tap the Star icon at the top, and it will show favorite memos only.

2. Print/Edit Saved Memo
Tap a memo icon, and its preview window will appear.
Tap the Print icon, and it will print the save memo immediately.

Tap the Edit Text menu icon, and it will go to the Edit screen.
Modify the saved memo, save it again, and a new file will be saved.

3. Add to Favorite Memos
Tap a memo icon, and its preview window will appear.
At this moment, tap the Favorite menu icon, it will be added to Favorite Memos.

4. Delete Memo
Tap a memo icon, and its preview window will appear.
Select the Trash Can icon at the left top, and the memo will be deleted.

If you want to delete multiple memo, tap and hold a memo icon. Check boxes will be created for you to select more than one memos.
Select the Trash Can icon at the left top, and memos of which check boxes you checked will be deleted.

Select the My Memos icon at the bottom center from the main screen, saved memos will be displayed.
1. View by Sizes / View Favorite Memos
Select a size icon at the top, and it will show memos of the size only.
Tap the Star icon at the top, and it will show favorite memos only.
2. Print/Edit Saved Memo
Tap a memo icon, and its preview window will appear.
Tap the Print icon, and it will print the save memo immediately.
Tap the Edit Text menu icon, and it will go to the Edit screen.
Modify the saved memo, save it again, and a new file will be saved.
3. Add to Favorite Memos
Tap a memo icon, and its preview window will appear.
At this moment, tap the Favorite menu icon, it will be added to Favorite Memos.
4. Delete Memo
Tap a memo icon, and its preview window will appear.
Select the Trash Can icon at the left top, and the memo will be deleted.
If you want to delete multiple memo, tap and hold a memo icon. Check boxes will be created for you to select more than one memos.
Select the Trash Can icon at the left top, and memos of which check boxes you checked will be deleted.